Sunday, March 7, 2010


I discovered new music today by a happy coincidence. Actually I wanted to listen to some 'Dead by Sunrise', but couldn't remember the name right so I ended up with 'Dead by April'. Muy awesome!
Genre is sth from Hard Rock to Metalcore. Don't really know but I like it!

Edith says:

My Fav.

Edith wants to add sth else:

The whole album is about lost loves (or maybe only one?). Every song tells you a story about saying goodbye, not wanting to say goodbye, having to say goodbye or had to say goodbye.
Bizarrely it doesn't get annoying. Guess it's because of this beautiful voice what's very rare with guys.
A bit like Colbie Caillat. She actually says the same in every single song but her wonderful clear voice always compensates that.
So if you're lovesick and dig screaming & loud guitars, paired with a fantastic voice - give it a try!


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