Sunday, January 16, 2011

Curtain Up: Ray Montford

As promised, I will show you every now and then a band from my oh-so-awesome music collection & I'll start with Ray Montford. His music actually doesn't belong to my own collection yet, because it's only purchaseable via iTunes (I know I'm probably the last person on earth who doesn't use it.) or as an import which means lots of money for shipping. But thank God we have TouTube!

What to say about him or his music? To be honest I don't know that much as he's quite unknown. Sadly.
According to his Homepage (Link at the bottom) he has already released 7 albums with instrumental tracks from folk to electronic-ambient music. I maybe go out on a limb when I say he could easily join my guitarhero-list but when you see the videos below you'll probably understand me.
I like how intense his play sounds & how long it lasts in my ears when the song is already over.
Couldn't pick a favorite track, but I first listened to "Remember" so this will always be the special one.
Now let's not waste any more time on words and check out the videos:

If you're not mesmerized now, you have no sense of good music!



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