Because I'm planning to buy the Canon EOS D500 as soon as possible & started drawing again, I thought it's necessary to have a place to publish my works.
My first idea was of course Flickr as it's quite popular and used by many photographers, but then I remembered DeviantART as well. So I made an account in both communities to have a look at all the options.
I ended up with finding both a bit confusing.
I uploaded a few photographs for fun on Flickr to test how this all works & have to say it's more complicated than I ever thought it could be.
Sure, when you just want to upload them unsorted it's as easy as possible, but if you want to create an album it get's confusing. You can't upload & create an album for the photographs at the same time. No - first you have to upload all new photographs, then create an album and then you have to sort them in. (You can't create an album before you uploaded pics.)
Wow, sucks.
Additionally it seems as if your photostream stays unsorted. Means first shown picture is the latest you uploaded. Okay, this may make sense, but what if you have a single picture that doesn't belong to an album? Where to put? Right, you have to let it in the stream and probably nobody will ever see it again. Alternative you can create an album for this ONE picture what misses the point of creating albums.
What also misses the point of albums is: When you sort pictures from the stream into an album they still stay in the stream. Sense?! My intention was more to sort them into an album in order to NOT have them in the stream.. well.
Maybe it's just that I'm not clever enough to use Flickr.. don't know. If anyone of you uses Flickr and doesn't agree with me & my experiences (have to say I only spent one afternoon testing), contact me and teach me how to use this site please. :)
By the way.. I checked the upgrade to FlickrPro in hope to see that it get's better when you pay for it, BUT apparently you don't have that many advantages with that. Of course more storage space and no ad's but well. That's all worth mentioning imho. It may be that you can upload HD videos and stuff, but I guess there are way better communities for that. And to be honest - who needs statistics for your profile? (They also say you get a free photobook. But only as long as it's available and only until 01/31/11. Means actually the offering includes more space and statistics + HD videos.) Don't think that's worth $25 a year. (Yay, that may sound stingy, but when I pay for something I want to have anything useful. No matter how low the prize may be.)
Good thing about Flickr is that you can edit your photographs for free with a tool.
What's also cool about Flickr is that you can ban your photos from being available to be downloaded. That's a BIG bonus.
Okay, enough about Flickr for now. Let's have a look at DeviantART.
The layout is terrible. Ter-ri-ble!
The colors are pleasant but that's all. It reminds me more of any Teen-Community than a community to share your artworks. But nevertheless I tried! So I uploaded a few pics there as well. And that's where the problem starts. I tried so hard but I just couldn't find out how to upload more than one picture at a time?! It starts when you click the "Add File" button to add files from your computer.. you just can't mark more than one and that makes absolutely no sense to me. Who the hell would want to add more than 10 photographs piece by piece? Just imagine you go out in the woods or wherelse and take over 50 photographs and then have to upload them bit by bit? I would totally freak out. But okay, I said I test so I went on. You can click the "Add File" button again and collect some pictures in the box where you can also choose which size you want them to be in your gallery. So I thought you make one setting and then can upload ALL together. Mh, no. You have to choose them separately AGAIN?! C'mon..
It's really not that bad when you use DeviantART for you drawings n stuff because it's doubtful that you will have tons of drawings laying around in your house.. but if you're a photographer.. no way.
Anyhow, DeviantART has something really worth appreciating: the folders/albums for your works. You can choose between displaying them with an icon or as a folder like we know them from good ol windows + name. That's really cool and exactly what I was looking for. But well as the only positive thing to say...
Additionally it has to be said that the community is quite nice. I mean I'm registered for about 2 hours and got lots of feedback & comments already. Warm welcome.
Otherwise.. the stream is the same as in Flickr. Last uploaded - first displayed & they won't disappear in the stream after sorting them into an album. Maybe this is something I have to live with.
Next thing to "test" was PhotoBlog. Absolutely no need to talk about that. Of course it's sweet to add a photograph to every day of your life but it's not what I search for. Nevertheless you can find some cool photographer there.
It's kind of the same when you start a new blog only for pictures and this is too confusing for me. It's maybe an option for those single photographs that don't belong to an album. Will keep that in mind. Although I guess Tumblr would be better then.
I have to say I really hate FaceBook/MySpace and all other things that are like that. But they all have something in common: A nice way to share photos.
Because what I want are albums with thumbnails of which you can make a slideshow if you want or just to flick through. Add the option to choose your own colors & design et voilá! Quasi exactly like windows explorer. Don't really see the problem and why all those communities have to make it so complicated.
Tried as well. Not worth at all. It's all really cool with the way you can use it, but you can barely use it for free (50 photos in total / 1 per week / only 2 folder in total)
Payments: click me
Ridiculous if you ask me. Even if you pay 8€ per month you still have a photo limit.
Don't know any other place for what I want to do.
If you are a programmer and read this: DO!
If you are someone who knows some place like that: TELL!
If you are just a normal one with no idea what to do: SHARE!
Oh btw, I know that a simple webspace would probably be an easy way but it's so unpersonal & not really easy to share. Yay, I know I have many special wishes..
Much love, xo
Monday, January 17, 2011
DeviantART vs. Flickr vs. ?
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