Monday, January 31, 2011

Random thoughts.

Hellu guys. :)

I'm sitting on my couch, watching 'Dragon Hunters' & thought I want to write some things down. You know sometimes I think about so many things and they're all leading to thousands of other things & my head tends to explode so I need a valve to let it all out. I wish I had a pensieve like Dumbledore. That would make things way easier.

First of all let me tell you about my experiment.
It's working all fine!! Had to make a break for 2 days because somehow I had a problem with my neck. Do you know this kind of pain that's so strong that you get sick? Wow, that was terrible. That would also explain why my left little finger was kinda numb for a few days. But it's over now and I did a great workout yesterday. So I will simply use Monday & Tuesday as Friday & Saturday to have the 7 days complete. Of course I didn't consume more than 1500cal pd the workout free days to have +/-0. Can't tell you how much weight I already lost, but it seems to be a lot. I won't look for that til Wednesday, would only drive crazy. :) I know it's not over yet but I'm pretty sure I will find out that it is possible to lose as much weight in a week as you can do in a month.
But where there is light, there is also shadow mh? So let me tell you a bit about the downside.
First of all, it's not that easy to find the strength to really cycle for 100mins or rather 17-19miles a day. I know I said it is not, and it really wasn't the first 2 days but then .. it not only takes physical but also psychic strength to keep that level. Even more when you haven't done a workout for a while. But now that I reached the level I barely stay under 19miles.
In addition you have to deal with several resistance offerings from your body and I'm not talking about a lousy stiffness - I'm talking about stomach cramps, headache, that makes you want to die & starvation. So much starvation. And the neckpain I had for so long. But believe me - it's worth it! :) And 1 week is like nothing. Everybody survives it! :)
The difficult part comes when the experiment is over. I don't want to lose my fitness but on the other hand I can't go on losing so much weight or in 2 weeks I'm gone. So what to do? I also can't eat that much to have a compensation. I'm open-minded for tips! :)
Maybe I'll post a table on Wednesday for a review.

So far so good.
What else is currently blowing my mind is the movie I watched today:
The Prince of Egypt
First let me say, that I don't believe in the bible or anything that has to do with it. I do believe in a transcendental power but not in connection with a religion. That being said I won't waste words about what is unrealistic or not, because that is not what stirs me.
But what stirs me is the way this all happened. I did a short research to see how close the movie is to the story that's told in the books of Moses. (This may not be the right word for what I mean but I don't know how they say it in english.) Apparently the things that "really" happened are even worse, but let's not start in the middle.
So there was this day when Moses' mother decided to save his life by setting him adrift on the Nile River and he was found by the daughter of the current Pharaoh who adopted him as her son. Some years passed and Moses found out about why he was abandoned and that the Pharaoh isn't his real father and suddenly feels sympathy for the hebraic folk & turns his back on his family..
Wait.. what?

All these years he was loved by his family, not caring about hebraic people and the slavery and this all changed overnight? Can anybody empathize with that? I can't. I know that this may sound a bit heartless and especially if my current reader is a religious person they want to curse me now, but just think about that for a minute. Think about your own family, ethnic background and whatelse is important to you. And now think about what you would do if you'd learn now that you're adopted and your roots are somewhere where injustice reigns. With the knowing that you actually have no reference to that except that your father is involved in this injustice. To be honest - to me this is ungrateful. Ungrateful on his mother who saved his life by risking her own & ungrateful on those people who raised him as their own child by KNOWING he's hebraic. (For those who aren't acquainted with what is written in the books: The Pharaoh killed all male hebraic newborns to that time, because he was in fear that the hebraic folk would grow too much and would "rebel" against him.)
Instead of being thankful for his fate that gave him this life he has been living he, the Pharao's son, kinda rebels against his father.
Well this all leads to the point when Moses kills an Egyptian and flees out of the palace into the desert where he then saved a few shepherdesses from a band of robbers. In gratitude for that the shepherdess' father adopts him and also gives him his daughter in marriage. (This man should've taught Moses something about gratitude..)
Many years passed, Moses became a father etc. etc. TIL he came across the burning bush & spoke to God. I guess we all know the story as it's quite popular and I don't have to tell you about that.
And AGAIN Moses was so grateful and left his family to go back to Egypt. Not knowing if he'll come back but nevermind. That's not what it's about.
Because what actually stirs me comes now. All the stories about what God did. People who believe in God or rather in the bible and what's all written in it are also believing that God is infallible. At least that's what I've always been told. So in the end that means they agree with what happened back then.
Don't misunderstand me, I don't think, that what happend with the hebraic folk is good in any way or justified, but is it really right to do what God did in return?
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I'll go on with my little story.

When Moses came back to Egypt he had 4 hearings with the Pharaoh who now was a different one. All were used to ask the Pharaoh to let the hebraic folk leave. (When I was in school we've been told that Moses only wanted them to be free'd but now I read something about a feast in the desert. So I'm not sure what really is true.) Of course the Pharaoh denied all 4 requests so, afaik after the 4th declination, Egypt was haunted by ten plagues. (Frogs, dead frogs, flies, gnats, diseases, boils, fiery hail & thunder struck, darkness, locusts and death to all first born egyptians.)
And now we're exactly where I really doubt the usefulness of this religion-thing. Because what we see here is something I've alwasye been told to NOT do. And by that I mean: "An eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth". As I already mentioned, I don't agree with what happened to the hebraic folk, but is this the right thing to do? Too bad I can't use the ten commandments now to reenforce my arguments against an act like that because afaik God told these afterwards. But in the end God did something he then forbid, mh? By killing the first born egyptians. AND since I'm talking about the commandments anyway: I guess I'm right when I say God told Moses to free the egyptians from slavery didn't he? Because he didn't want them to suffer. Well, for those who are not familiar with the ten commandments - 10 But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns.
Shall we talk about that? I actually don't want and I also don't think it's necessary.
What exactly is bothering me is that according to this & the ten commandments it is not okay to slave people or to mistreat them when they belong to you in any way, but as a revenge or when you don't know them it's okay? Or am I right when I say God made a mistake when he killed the egyptians? But God is infallible isn't he? So he did it on purpose? Makes him a killer and that's okay? So we don't have to forgive him? Even if he didn't kill the babies, he uses torture on the egyptians and that's also not okay mh? Or is it? Somebody tell me, because I don't understand. And please don't tell me he's allowed because he's God. If it's okay when he's doing it, some freaks out there might think they're chosen and are allowed too.

[Edit: I forgot something to mention: In the end when Moses leads the hebraic folk out of Egypt there comes this story when God "splits" the water, you all remember right? And you also remember what God did when the egyptians were walking through, mh? Just saying..]

Why I mention all these things is probably coming to your mind and I will tell you: It simply scares and angers me. Scaring because I live with people who believe in all these things written in all these books, or rather in that one book, and the past has shown us what can happen when somebody takes a religion too serious. Angering because so many people use the bible as an excuse for their misbehaviour. I want to make clear, that I don't generally dislike people who believe in the bible. That is totally against my nature, because I'm actually a person who kinda loves everything from a specific side. I believe that everything has a positivity as well as a negativity so I would never condemn something completely. If I had to reduce my life to a so called life motto it would be "live and let live." so if you are someone who has a strong faith in God please don't feel offended. That's not my intention. I just needed to write that down, because there are so many things I simply don't understand.
I have to add that I never read the bible because we don't have one here at home. Nobody here is religious, but believe me it's on my list to do so. All I know about the bible and some pages in the bible is what I learned in school and from quotes somewhere around books/internet and so on. I want to read it because I want to know how many contradictions there really are. As a cue: crusades. Killing for religion.. mh ya well. That's another topic.
I want to repeat at this point that I totally respect everyone for having a religion and that I'm also kind of happy for them to have something they believe in. I know that religion is more than just reading the bible & going to church or whatever belongs to your religion. Although I have to say that Christianity, Islam & Judaism are the ones I'm concerned of. All others seem quite peaceful.

To not end this post in such a tensed mood let me also tell you about my new experiment & my new idea for this blog.
My new experiment will be to have 1 oder 2 days a week on which I only eat raw fruits & vegetables. What will also include to not do a workout then because I won't consume any energy or at least so few that it would be kinda risky to do so. That means nothing cooked/baked or prepared in any way. If someone has good ideas for food for that let me know. Right now I can't think of many things because it would all be cooked then hehe.
The other thing is, that I thought about making a new blog-category for recipes. I'm taking delight in cooking the last time and you guys know I love to share things with other people so maybe I'll do that. Any objections?

Un abrazo


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